I help you get intentional, walk in faith and take the actions to move you from where you are to where you want to be - a fulfilling and purposeful relationship!

I am a Certified marriage & relationship Counselor; life coach & mentor.
Jacqueline Oludimu is a marriage equipper and relationship breakthrough specialist for singles, engaged, and married couples. I was saved and called to raise marriages for God’s Kingdom Agenda.
I am the founder of the Saying ‘I Do’ Academy (A Virtual Marriage training Academy for singles, engaged & married couples); Convener of the Saying I Do Conference, an annual teaching conference for married & singles since 2016; President of the Happy Ever After Hub, an advocacy platform for thriving intentional marriages, changing the atmosphere filled with divorce and domestic violence.
I am the lead mentor alongside my husband, of God’s Prepared Singles Hub, an online mentoring platform, where we groom singles for a purposeful life and marriage.
We also run Marriage Max, a couples mentoring hub after becoming certified marriage mentors in 2021.
Jacqueline has a burning desire to help singles and couples get into the fullness of marriage as God intended, to have bliss and to fulfil the purpose of their union – to experience the exponential possibilities of their marriage. Her assignment seeks to see couples truly become God’s representatives on earth, experiencing heaven on earth in their marriage and bringing the same to the world they live in! “It’s what God planned and it is possible for anyone”, she says.
She is an Associate Family Systems Engineer, a certified Master life Christian Life Coach, a certified marriage mentor & relationship coach and a certified ‘Save Your Marriage Before It Starts’ SYMBIS pre-marriage facilitator & counsellor. She uses her ‘Before You Say I Do’ Pre-Marriage programme to give engaged couples a personalized preparation to start their marriage strong and thrive.
A premier member of the American Association of Christian Counsellors, She works privately with couples from all walks of life and spouses, to be friends and lovers so they can enjoy heaven on earth with their marriage.
She has given and continues to give herself to training and development for the sake of her clients and every life that she comes in contact with. With Jackie, every marriage she works with is an assignment from God and she must play her part. Their testimonials confirm the grace that is at work in and through her. Couples and singles who have allowed Jacqueline to work with them say things like “We will never remain the same”; “We wish we did this earlier”; “We paid far less than we got”; we are now thriving since our sessions with you” “ your course was everything I needed” etc.
With over 10 years of experiential and professional experience, Jacqueline has served hundreds of couples and singles, in many ways through her coaching programmes, restoration interventions, courses, conferences, and platforms.
Fondly called Jackie or coach Jackie by others, she has written four books till date and has spoken in three continents at various marriage events, church programmes, and seminars.
Jacqueline resides in the United Kingdom and shares marriage/relationship insights at churches, community events, and seminars around the world.
She is joyfully married to her gift from God, Tolulope Oludimu, who she fondly calls “her testimony”. They are blessed and raising two soldiers for Christ.
More about Jacqueline
One of the major life lessons she learnt and got convicted to teach every single she comes across whether at a conference or one-to-one coaching, is that you do not have to date A, B, C, or D before realising that H is the one. Dating around or having a history of many exes is never a thing of pride, she seeks to help you avoid that like she has helped many.
Having suffered a couple of heartbreaks which by the way were divine, including a broken engagement months ahead of the wedding, Jackie believes that there are steps to a purposeful marriage that many do not take hence the painful heartbreaks, disappointments, and delays that can be avoided. She knows those steps and she can teach you. Are you ready to give it what it takes? www.jacquelineoludimu.com/singled-out
Jacqueline was blessed by God, after multiple heartbreaks with a job that was to be the place of meeting the one for her. This time God had taken her through some pruning and clarity sessions that helped her discern. She is forever grateful to God for her marital choice and will not stop telling anyone that God is in the business of matchmaking and no one does it better than Him.
With the joy of marriage and raising godly children, Jacqueline does not hold back in telling anyone who cares to listen that marriage is an assignment and what we do when we sign those dotted lines on the wedding day is sign up to an institution. She says that her marriage would have fallen apart as soon as it got started because she was not equipped for that next stage as much as she should have been even though she had the compulsory pre-marriage sessions in church and has always been a woman of faith.
She understands those years, the naivety, and more and helps couples overcome them; even more is to help couples move beyond just being married to being friends and partners for life. She says if she scaled through and embraced wisdom before it was too late, you too can.
Jacqueline loves to read, strategize and wears a creative hat always. She also runs a corporate gift & hamper company aside being a marketing professional and an Associate of the Chartered Institute of Marketing, UK.
She is quite driven, very purposeful, fun-loving, and result-oriented. Passionate will be the most common words that describe her.
She loves hard-ripe mangoes, chocolate spread toast, and ice creams.
I am available for
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One-on-One Coaching
Ready to prepare for a lasting and fulfilling relationship? Let me hold you by the hand into the marriage of your dreams through my personalised coaching packages.
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Best-Selling Books
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Stage Shows and Talks
I enjoy helping people and I am comfortable speaking to 20-2000 people or more at conferences, seminars, workshops, churches, retreats, communities and groups.