Earlier this week, we considered how you can avoid infidelity in marriage as a married person. Today, we will be examining 6 different mistakes you can make as a husband to your wife. 

Talk out issues as soon as possible. Rather than keeping quiet and not talking, book a time with your wife to discuss all your pending issues. For example, if you are not mentally and physically prepared to talk to her about the issue, you can tell her, “Let’s talk about this over breakfast tomorrow.” By telling her this, you make her feel relieved, she knows that there is something to talk about and also iron out.

Never underestimate or belittle how your partner feels about a matter. That you do not feel the same way doesn’t make her feelings invalid or insignificant. Who will she tell if she can’t express her emotions to you? One of the many things I have seen in my years of counseling is that infidelity starts as a result of one spouse not paying attention to the emotional needs of another. You will be more influential in your partner’s life when you allow her to be herself, and then you rub off on her nicely.

Don’t wait till your wife tells you that “she told you.” If you have a woman filled with wisdom, insight, and most especially the Spirit of God, please listen to her. One of the things not listening to your wife shows is that you don’t value her thoughts or you don’t think she is right. Always remember that your wife is the helpmeet suitable for you, she holds answers and you have to dig them out from her.

Not having date nights, no long walks, not praying together, not gisting, not going for marriage programs together. If you hold your wife the way you hold your phone or laptop, I am very sure that she will be happier. In the years to come when the kids are all grown up, the investment you have made in the earlier years will be the one to sustain your relationship. It is whatever you have nurtured that you will reap.

At your workplace, you appreciate your colleagues for a job well done and promote your employees for their hard work, but you have never appreciated your wife for the things she does.  You need to learn how to appreciate your wives for the little things she does for you. When you do so, she is energized to do more. If appreciation is scarce in your relationship, you will be sapping juice from your relationship till it has no juice again. And I pray that this will not be your portion in Jesus’ name.

If you are leaving all the parenting activities eg getting your kids ready for school, teaching them Bible study, shopping, etc to your wife, you need to do better. Consider volunteering or taking one or two roles and you will see how glad and appreciative she will be.

If you are a husband reading this blog post, take notes of the things you haven’t been doing well and promise yourself that you will do better. If you are a wife reading this, share it with your husband, and you can both sign up for my Better Marriage course below:


Also, download my Marriage on Purpose book below, it will help you build a thriving marriage: 


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