Marriage Restoration Programme

A Personalised Marriage-in-Crisis Coaching Programme with Jackie

A Personalised Marriage-in-Crisis Coaching Programme

The Personalised Marriage-in-Crisis coaching session with Jackie is for Couples who are tired, unhappy, and unsatisfied about their marriage experience and need help to get back on the right track before it’s too late. Tried and tested, Jacqueline Oludimu has worked with Couples helping them find their friction points and causes, taking them on a journey of repair and restoration to experience a long-lasting marriage. With a fusion of coaching, therapy, and counselling, starting with assessments; a couple will have a 12-week programme consisting of healing and repair, rebuilding, marriage strengthening, and activating their purposeful union.

How It Works

First 4 Weeks / Stage

We will merge the issues we have highlighted, open the wounds and treat them, highlight the wrong patterns and their consequences, owning and making up.

Second Stage

Review your reports and together rebuild the foundation of your union rightly. We will take the issues one after the other, layer the building blocks, and see the 360-turn around.

Third Stage

Review the past 8 weeks and the 12 building blocks we have set in place, bring the pending ones to the fore, repeat, and rinse. Introduce you to the higher marriage experience God has for you, His purposes, and build a plan for fulfilling those purposes.

If any unresolved issue exists after 12 weeks or you have other areas to address, you can book Future sessions of 1 hour per session at £100.00 per session and WhatsApp accountability room with me.

Overall, if you give yourselves to this process, you will:

Hear what some of our satisfied clients are saying...

Mr. A's testimonial

Choose the most convenient option for you...

12 Weeks

£ 1450

6 Weeks

£ 850
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