Pre-Marriage Preparation Programme - Before You Say 'I Do' with Jackie

Avoid saying "what did I do" after saying I do

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See what some of my clients have to say...

I could not have asked for a better counselor that Jackie. Her openness to share, the fellowship and the accuracy of the SYMBIS are the few things I loved about the session. Special shout out to Mrs Omololu for this amazing gift. The things we learnt were not things that were discussed in church settings. The sessions should not have ended, it was fun, lively and spiritual too. A payment for Jackie's session is an invitation to premium bliss.
Mrs. Abimbola
Jackie's conviction laced in deep conviction really helped us. It was excellent. From learning about communication to the triangle illustration, it really is a game changer. We learnt so much, our expectations were exceeded. It surely benefited us!
Ini Udoh
As a result of these questions, we were able to delve into and answer questions that we may not have thought of. Your examples during the sessions are also relatable and drives the point home more easily. Although now married for nine months and still counting, these sayings taken before tying the knots has tremendously helped us.
Abidemi Adeleke
It was a one-on-one session and it was super worth it. I and my spouse got to deal with issues we would have randomly swept under the carpet. It was a great session and the simplicity of the sessions are noteworthy too.
Mr. Peter Oriola
SYMBIS is a good tool, very precise in analyzing people's personality. We learnt about the importance of oneness and the need to be vulnerable. We are now cultivating the habit of being one in our decision making, something we really struggled with. The sessions really resonated with me, well-done Jackie.
Mr. Ugochukwu Kelvin Ogbonna
My experience with Counselor Jackie during the pre-marriage sessions were very insightful and enlightening. I paid far less than what I got, my expectations were exceeded. My weaknesses, faults and even strengths were revealed. There is no amount that is too much to get enlightened in the area of marriage. Forever is too long a time to be unhappy. This has been such a game changer for me and my relationship with my spouse.
Mr. Godwin Sunday
My experience with Counselor Jackie was fun, empowering, enriching and great. I totally enjoyed her teaching style. I am so glad I took this counseling as we needed someone than the counseling from our pastor. Viola, it was at that point I got this from Temi (thank youuuu!). I received worth more than I paid for. We learnt about our caution flags, different types of mindsets and the kind of spouse I need to be to fulfil God's purpose.
Deborah Efere
Coach Jackie's style of counselling is interactive, profound, interesting and sensitizing. My mindset about marriage has totally changed for the better and I have a deeper understanding of what marriage should be about based on biblical principles. The African mentality I had that women should do most domestic works have changed. I now understand shared roles and responsibilities in marriage. No amount of money paid can measure up to the values received during these sessions. The lessons learned are valuable and for life.
Mr. Temitope Olufemi
I want to say Kudos to Mrs Jacqueline for all she does. The pre-marriage sessions were eye opening, interactive, excellent and enlightening. It uncovered so many things we may not have talked about before our wedding and prepared us for the journey ahead. The value we got would last for life, it was worth it and much more. I would like to tell every engaged couple not to go ahead into marriage without having such a robust and knowledge filled preparatory session with a Christian Coach and marriage counselor like Jackie Talks.
Mrs. Tolulope Olufemi
Temitope and Tolulope Olufemi
Gold and silver is not enough to place a price on what we gained from you. If anyone wants to have a godly and pleasant home, a home filled with love and understanding, just as we have, it is expedient they have sessions with Jacqueline. Thank you for being the best.
Mr. Olumide Akinola Olayemi
I could not have asked for a better counselor that Jackie. Her openness to share, the fellowship and the accuracy of the SYMBIS are the few things I loved about the session. Special shout out to Mrs. Omololu for this amazing gift. The things we learnt were not things that were discussed in church settings. The sessions should not have ended, it was fun, lively and spiritual too. A payment for Jackie's session is an invitation to premium bliss.
Nene Akinola
Of all the counsels we received prior and even after our wedding, yours stands out as the most holistic and comprehensive one we've received so far. It was thorough and spiritually toned. One of the sessions exposed to me what my wife perceives as love and how she wants to be loved. I also knew the same thing about myself. I wish these sessions never ended. It was worth every dollar spent. Keep up the good work. We love you.
Mr. Olusola Adegbite
As a result of the session with Mrs. Jackie, I got to know my personality type and that of the husband to be. I also learnt patience on another level. I enjoyed the in-depth conversations as well as the prayers and leverage of spirituality. I definitely would recommend this not just to engaged couples but those that are married already.
Mrs. Mayowa Adegbite
The report at the beginning of the sessions before you even started counselling us was eye opening. The sessions are non judgemental and the word of God served as the backbone. You also did not take sides between I and my spouse. Also, before now, I would rather walk away than talk. Now, though still uncomfortable, I sit through conversations. I am also more patient and accommodating. My major takeaway was "a marriage leads to the birth of a home and a home births generations." Doing marriage wrong may have a strong effect on generations to come. I would not have done all these without these sessions.
Mrs. Joy Eneghalu-Anele
Peace, they say is priceless. The coaching sessions with Mrs. Jackie has helped us improve the peace in our home. I surely had a great as it gave me a better perspective about I and my spouse as well as our union.
Mr. Chidera Anele
The sessions have armed me with the necessary tools to avoid common pitfalls in marriage especially as a newly wed. I got enlightened in the areas of family values, personality and communication. The style of counselling is personalized, Spirit assisted and effective.
Mr. Babarinsa Adekola
My experience was special, right from the first session. I was free to open up based on my first interaction with you. Everything has shifted from when I started till date. I never had to feel like I was getting cookie cutter counseling, the sessions were tailored to suite our roles as individuals.
Mrs. Bukola Babarinsa

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After your pre-marriage sessions, you will

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