It's time to get over your Ex and I mean it!

I will teach you and help you with skills, mindsets and tools to get over your ex and move on!

I always imagine what my life would have been like if I didn't give myself the chance to heal and move on! What??

Gosh. Imagine the life and love I will be missing now!

You better don't sabotage yourself.

Jacqueline & Tolulope Oludimu

Hey you,

Enough of the back and forth, the pain, the hurt, the tears and regrets. It’s happened and I know you didn’t see it coming or maybe you did and didn’t believe it, it has happened and I know it is painful.

The shame, the scandal if it was as bad as mine, the waste of time and money but I am here to help you recover and recover fully!

We do not live in our past, we move past it but you need my guidance and help. Oh, You do!

Your ex is your past and I know moving on can be tough but I am here to hold your hand through this 9-Day Recovery Programme and you will so heal. hehehe, you will “overheal”.

Coming from someone who had to call off a wedding and cancel the wedding date with the church, you bet I experienced pain, shame, hurt and my heart did truly got broken. In fact, not once but I overcame, I moved on, found my true love, and now, enjoying my life. I shared my story in full detail in this programme because it will help you.

It was because of this breakup and the journey that I was able to write this self-help book which has helped thousands all over the world.

Move On book mockup

My heartbreak recovery programme is a proven and tested solution for your freedom and emotional independence. You will stop thinking about them, move on, and find new love no matter your personal circumstances.

Your beautiful future is waiting for you and the longer you drag this heartbreak or do not heal from it properly, the longer that beautiful future will find you.

Still wondering if you should, wow! Then read what clients like you, who came into this same programme, sad, dejected, helpless, heartbroken and hear what they had to say after:

What Obiageli said

For the longest time I have been hiding myself but now I have decided to be open to meeting people and making friends.


I am happy and can conveniently thank God for my ex and the break up.
I have stopped telling everyone I meet about my sour break up story.
I have stopped thinking about my ex.
I have stopped checking my ex up online.
I have stopped wondering if there was something I could have done to avoid the break up
I have have picked up lessons from my failed relationship and I am now a better person.
I now know what I want in man, a relationship and marriage.
I truly pray and bless my ex from the depth of my heart.
I am ready to love someone else.


I don’t have anything to add. The HBRP is an excellent program, I wish I had known about it earlier. Yes it was challenging for me I regards the my schedule but it’s a great program which I would recommend to anyone who has been through a heart break. Prior to going through the program I didn’t think I would ever get out of what I had been through. I had prayed and asked God to heal me and I felt like my prayers were not answered and I would never be healed from my heart break. But thank God today I am healed, I am whole and I am free. Thank you

What Busayo said

Before embarking on this journey, I was drowning in the depths of heartbreak, struggling to make sense of the emotional turmoil that consumed me. The pain seemed insurmountable, and moving forward appeared to be an impossible task. The session provided a structured and empathetic approach to healing which I found extremely useful. I am grateful for this program and would wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone seeking a path to healing, self-discovery, and a brighter future.

I love the fact I get to answer really deep, thoughtful and sincere questions from you.

The emails were very practical and relatable. It allows a thorough reflection and practical steps to recovering from a heartbreak. I must commend you coach! well done!!!

No more stalking! Lol. No more self-blame and guilt!

It opened my eyes to what would be helpful in my next relationship and also the rediscovery of myself in becoming a better person and the peace of mind I have had these past weeks and onwards

What BUKOLA said

Want to start by saying Thank God – Thank God for calling you and thank you for obeying the call of God over your life to do this.
Thank God for Precious who gifted me this program out of the blues. She did not know she was making my 2022 beautiful.

Honestly, Coach Jackie, 2022 started with this breakup and its drama and I never knew I could be where I am right now emotionally because I am in a much more better place.


You have been the most open and non-judgmental person I have ever spoken with about my relationship issues. Thank you for being super open and honest with me. Thank you for not mincing words. Thank you for ensuring I saw myself through the eyes of God!
You literally took me and this personally, you took this program personally and invested in ensuring I moved on even to the extent of praying for me when you realized how much the relationship had done to me.


You not only prayed for me but you confessed and prophesied over my life!

I am grateful!

It shows you take this as more than a program but a ministry!


I would like to finally say that the Heartbreak Recovery Program turned the break-up around for my good.

The enemy thought I was going to turn this break-up to a tale of “all men are the same” and “men are scum” but thanks to this program, I have turned it to “God has prepared a wonderful man for me and I will end up with him”

The program helped me value myself more – as the apple of God’s eye! It helped me see how precious I am in God’s eyes.


I always looked forward to the next step – what else would I unearth today? I’m glad a lot was unearthed and a lot of perceptions shifted for the good – I am grateful to God


The best part is, I feel like this program equipped me to have better conversations with people about handling break-ups!


Thank you so so much Coach Jackie, you are heaven-sent.


I am recommending this to all my friends who have been through heartbreaks – everyone needs to taste and see of the goodness of this program.

What BUKKY said

I would share a testimonial in a separate email

Coach Jackie, this program was very impactful and whole!

I however wish we had more calls because i enjoyed our initial calls
Maybe there should be an option (with higher price) for those who want additional sessions/calls.

What PRECIOUS said

I am grateful for being able to move out of a place of regrets, anger and bitterness in my previous relationship.

What TADE said

I think I hadn’t really every gone through my relationship history in this manner and really grill myself about my decisions. This was really an aha moment. Also I had never made a vision board about my future marriage


Overall, this program was literally life changing. From day 1, the perspectives and insights you gave after I shared my story opened my mind to what I had been missing in trying to deal with the break up on my own. 🙌🏽✅🎉


Throughout the days, going through the emails, questions, calls, you walked me through the steps that I needed to take in order to process what what had happened – from understanding that God did this FOR me, not TO me, to going through my history meticulously to point out learnings all the way to helping me to realize how much better I am for the breakup rather than having a sob party.


Thank you so much. I have told so many people about you and the big impact you’ve had on more life in such a short time. May God continue to bless your ministry and marriage.


When I started, I was at the point of begging my ex to come back to us but now, naaaa.


After my breaking point, I cried that day at my office I decided to let God and I understood it was definitely for a reason.


I am good now, begging him is not on my agenda.

3 Things I am grateful for.

Growth: I sat yesterday and thought to myself, so that’s how you were going to marry a man that you couldn’t express yourself with again, babe you didn’t try o. I was just laughing at myself.

Restoration: I got my self-esteem back, I missed Tumi and I found her, I am very grateful this happened.

Relationship with God: when I broke up, I was angry, and at a point, I wasn’t praying but after a while, I told myself a breakup is not the end of the world, the moment I opened my mouth to pray, it was hard but as the days went by, I kept falling in Love with Jesus.

Knowledge: now I know a lot of things, what I should have done, what I shouldn’t have, what I want, what I can’t take, my needs, my wants, my love language, the kind of person I am, the kind of family I want, the kind of man I want.


Thank you for doing this with me. God bless you ma

You need me, you need this new feeling and you can have this freedom:

In this programme you will

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